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Board of Trustees

Foundation for the Hungarian Dance University

(Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetemért Alapítvány)

Headquarters: 1145 Budapest, Columbus Street 87-89.
VAT number: 19306737-1-42
Registering authority: Fővárosi Törvényszék
Registration number: 01-01-0013146
Bank account number: MKB Bank Nyrt. 10300002-13260967-00014900
IBAN bank account number: HU38 1030 0002 1326 0967 0001 4900

About us

As the maintainer of the Hungarian Dance University (hereinafter referred to as the University), the Foundation shall carry out its tasks by the laws governing its operation, in cooperation with the University and the University’s citizens.

The founder of the Foundation is the Government of Hungary, acting on behalf of the Hungarian State, according to Paragraph (1) of Article 1 of the MTE Act. The Foundation’s founding rights are exercised by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees as of 1 August 2021, according to Article 1(4) of the MTE Act and subsection II.2.1 of the Foundation’s Foundation Charter.

The executive body of the Foundation is the Board of Trustees, which exercises all the rights and powers that the Foundation’s Articles of Association assign to it and that does not fall within the competence of the founder or any other foundation organisation or body.

The Board of Trustees acts as a body and its rules of procedure are laid down in its rules of procedure.

Functions and powers of the Board of Trustees:

  • to ensure the continuous achievement of the Foundation’s objectives, and to create the necessary means and conditions for this
  • making decisions on strategic and artistic/professional issues;
  • in the light of the opinion of the Supervisory Board and, following the delegation of the founder’s rights, of the Auditor, decide on the adoption and amendment of the detailed rules governing the organisation and operation of the Foundation following the Foundation Statutes;
  • management of the Foundation’s property and assets, including all legal transactions and commitments beyond the year that exceed HUF 50,000,000 net, i.e. HUF 50 million net;
  • making investment decisions exceeding HUF 100,000,000 net, i.e. HUF 100 million net, following the Investment Rules, based on a proposal from the Investment Committee or after obtaining its written opinion;
  • a decision to take out a long-term loan or a long-term debt and to enter into a collateral obligation;
  • deciding on the acceptance or rejection of donations received by the Foundation above the limit set out in point (d);
  • a decision to accept or refuse accession to the Foundation above the limit set out in point (d);
  • exercising employer’s rights over the employees of the Foundation and the management employees of legal entities maintained and owned by the Foundation, in the context of the establishment and termination of their employment;
  • making decisions on matters relating to the management of the Foundation;
  • approval of the Foundation’s accounts;
  • the preparation and adoption of the Foundation’s annual budget;
  • to examine at any given time the existence of grounds for the dissolution of the Foundation and, in the event of such grounds, to take the measures provided for in the Civil Code;
  • adopting, issuing and amending the statutes of the legal entity that maintains and owns the Foundation, and exercising full rights of maintenance and ownership;
  • taking a unanimous decision to undertake or discontinue an activity of public interest in addition to those provided for in the KEKVA Act and in point IV.1. and point IV.2.2.5. of the Statutes;
  • decisions in all cases which are referred to the Board of Trustees by law, by the Articles of Association or by the statutes of the organisation or legal entity owned by it.

The Supervisory Board and the Auditor supervise the Foundation’s activities. The Secretariat supports the Foundation in its administrative and operational tasks.

Contact details of the Foundation for the Hungarian Dance University:

Györgyi Kraus
Head of Secretariat
Postal address: 1145 Budapest, Columbus Street 87-89.
Phone: + 36 1 273 3442
E-mail address:

Members of the Board


Board of Trustees

János Kiss


Yvette Bozsik

Gyula Harangozó

Jolán Török

Zoltán Zsuráfszky


Teodóra Bán


Márta Fodorné Molnár

Gábor Mihályi

Property Inspector

János Kőszegi


Ágnes Pintérné Könczöl

Financial director

Márton Barna
phone: +3620 562 9375

Head of Secretariat

Györgyi Kraus
phone: +3620 9980055

Financial Administrator

Katalin Nagy
phone: +361 800 9461

Accounting Administrator

Anna Czenéné Hájas

Human Resources Administrators

Tímea Kiss

Péter Kovács