The traditional intramural competition of the Hungarian Dance University took place on Saturday 23 March. According to the jury’s unanimous opinion, students competed at a very high level.
The serious competition that lasted from 8 am until 4 pm, the jury was chaired by Gyula Harangozó Prize-winning dance artist, Dóra Barta, choreographer, meritorious artist, Head of the ballet section of the Kecskemét City Ballet, Katona József National Theatre, and managing director of the Hírös Agóra Nonprofit Ltd., who was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary last weekend.
“Thank you very much. It’s always a pleasure to have your work recognised. Here in the jury, including the Rector and others we have worked today to celebrate the students’ achievements. It wasn’t difficult because it was a really good day with lots of strong performances. The decisions were clear, and I congratulate all the participants”, she said after the competition.
“The competition is a great opportunity to develop”, said Márta Fodor-Molnár, Rector of the Hungarian Dance University.
“In comparison with the previous years, the level of the competition was excellent. We are now going to put together the programme for the Gala with Master Éva Brieber, Head of the Department, which, I am pleased to say, promises to be excellent. It will be worth coming to the National Dance Theatre on Tuesday evening”, she added.
Éva Brieber also pointed out that the audience saw strong performances in all genres presented at the competition, from folk dancers and theatre dancers to ballet dancers as well.

Photos by Pál Csillag
Awards of the 2024 HDU intramural competition:
Classical solo category
First age-group
1st prize: Vencel Vida (3rd year, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth)
2nd prize: Boglárka Balogh (3rd year, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth)
3rd prize: Míra Jászovics and Zorka Nagy (3rd year, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth)
Second age-group
1st prize: Fukumoto Airi (6th year, master: Angéla Kövessy)
2nd prize: Watanabe Maika (6th year, master: Angéla Kövessy) and Koga Toko (5th year, master: Márta Fodor-Molnár)
3rd prize: Anri Kikuchi and Boróka Kosaras (6th year, master: Angéla Kövessy
Third age-group
1st prize: Ishii Ryo (8th year, master: Katalin Volf)
2nd prize: Rozina Szabó and Sakurako Hommochi (8th year, master: Katalin Volf)
3rd prize: Sámuel Gribovszki (7th year, master: Zoltán Oláh)
Classical group category
First age-group
1st prize: Vencel Babák-Vida, Léna Hrubi and Zorka Babák-Nagy, Vencel Vida (8th year, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth)
2nd prize: Boglárka Balogh, Luca Bertók (3rd year, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth)
Second age-group
1st prize: women – Adagio (7th year, master: Eszter Kazinczy)
2nd prize: women – Csipkerózsika, Pas d’action (5th year, master: Márta Fodor-Molnár)
Great Performance Award: Sámuel Gribovszki (7th year, master: Zoltán Oláh)
Jury’s special prize, master: Eszter Pataki-Tóth
Jury’s special prize, student: Patrik Knausz (8th year, mater: Sándor Turi)
Other dance language solo category
1st prize: Zhang Yi Di (8th year) – choreography by Carola Sicheri
2nd prize: Mariia Yurchenko (8th year) – choreography by Tamás Topolánszky
3rd prize: Karina Králik (6th year) – choreography by Emőke Lászlóffy
Other dance language group category
1st prize: As you like it. Léna Bondor, Ruszlán Babácsi (modern 6th year) – choreography by Noémi Kulcsár
2nd prize: Romeo and Juliet. Bora Mohácsi, Ábel Ónódy (modern 4th year) – choreography by Noémi Kulcsár
3rd prize: Footlose “Jive” (5th, 6th, 7th, modern/standard 1st year) – choreography by Roland Kósa
Choreographers’ competition
First age-group
1st prize: Noémi Hentzel (modern/standard 1st year)
2nd prize: Benedek Barka (4th year)
3rd prize: Jázmin Balogh, Lilla Medgyesi – Latin carnival (4th year)
Second age-group
1st prize: Bence Kiricza and Zoltán Makula, Balázs Petik (3rd year)
2nd prize: Bori Busai, Regő Farkas (3rd year)
3rd prize: Dorka Imely (modern 4th year)
Jury’s special prize: Áron Kristóf (3rd year)
Photos and interviews coming soon.