Last Friday’s performance titled “Utunk elején” (“At the beginning of our journey”) presented by HDU students at the National Dance Theatre was a great success among both the profession and the audience. It was the first solo show of the graduating students of the Dance Artist Department specialising in theatrical dance and folk dance.
The graduating students specialising in theatrical dance performed Péter Lajos Túri’s choreography “America”.

Photo by Pál Csillag
“We are very happy that students specialising in theatrical dance have also been given the opportunity to perform at this evening”, said Head of the Department of Modern Dance and Theatrical Dance, Attila Kalmár, Harangozó Prize-winning Associate Professor. “For us and the students it is an excellent opportunity to rehearse one of the acts of our exam concert before the big competition. The team is under pressure, partly because it’s a very physically demanding period, and partly because these pieces are not easy. However, the performance consists of two parts and it should be pointed out that the second act of the folk dance students is difficult to perform both physically and artistically. It is incredibly demanding. They are not students, they are almost complete dancers.”
In the second act of the evening, the students specialising in folk dance performed their first solo show at the midpoint of their five-year training. They presented original and adapted folk dances by their masters and renowned artists, giving an excellent impression of their dancing and performing skills.
“I think it’s a very good class, the young students have firm basic skills,” said Béla Ónodi, Head of the Folk Dance Department. “This can mainly be attributed to the fact that many of the students participated in the ‘Felszállott a páva’ talent contest. The contest provided them with routine, performance skill and an ability that we have been able to build on. The team is very dedicated. There’s a reason why there are thirteen of them left, it’s not usual for thirteen pairs to be left at the end of the third year. They’re pushing each other forward, which is great.”
Students of the theatrical dance:
Hege Anna, Ordasi András, Pető Boglárka, Puczkó-Smith Levente, Győrfi Erik, Kőhler Kitti Noémi, Kópiás Konrád Lukács, Molnár Csenge, Borbély Szabolcs, Lovas Emma, Radványi Fanni, Farsang Karina, Lévai Barnabás, Csató Málna, Rozsovits Johanna, Agárdi Márk, Szénási Dolli
Students of the folk dance:
Asperján György, Baka Levente, Bencze Kata, Berencsi Pál, Berki Kevin Ferenc, Busai Bori, Cserveni Szabolcs, Diósi Csenge Zsuzsanna, Erhardt Janka Sára, Farkas Gábor, Farkas Regő László, Forró Dorka Viktória, Gombos Zsófia Gerda, Huszti József, Kristóf Áron, Lakner Léna, Makula Zoltán Attila, Mészáros Manga Dóra, Molnár Gergely, Nemes Nóra, Ősz Rebeka, Petik Balázs, Poór Mária, Sándor Benjámin Solt, Sárándi Olga, Komáromi Lénai
Rector: Márta Fodor-Molnár
Director of the Dance Training Institute: Szilárd Macher
Head of Department, Art Training Institute:
- Éva Brieber – classical ballet
- Béla Ónodi – folk dance
- Attila Kalmár – modern and theatre dance