Nearly ninety people have registered for the international summer course taking place at the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) from 6 to 17 August. The organizing team, learning from last year, has made a few innovations and changes to this year’s course.
After the group scheduling classes had been held the first day, groups were formed and the full programme is now available for the participants.

Photo by Pál Csillag
In addition to the ballet and modern classes, applicants also have the opportunity to participate in progressing ballet technique, pas de deux and modern repertoire classes.
“Me and my colleagues were very excited, and I am glad that everything went according to plan on the first day. I think that both the masters and the participants enjoyed the classes and the »welcome picnic«, organised for the first time on the course, gave them the opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed way. The masters are great, everything is set for another quality summer programme”, said Tamás Csizmadia, Course Director and Ballet Master.”