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New academic year’s opening ceremony at the Hungarian Dance University proves to be moving

By 2024.09.04.No Comments

The Hungarian Dance University’s (HDU) opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year took place on 2 September.

At the opening ceremony, newly admitted students were welcomed, and the event was attended by the university’s faculty and staff members, guests of honour as well as former distinguished students.

Photos by Pál Csillag

At the event, which was held at the university’s Nagy Zoltán Jr. Theatre Hall, students, masters and colleagues for their outstanding professional performance were awarded.

The opening ceremony was moderated by Lili Krajczár, and speeches were delivered by Kossuth Prize-winning ballet artist, Chairman of the Board of Trustees János Kiss and Rector Professor Márta-Fodor Molnár.

In her opening speech, in addition to other key issues, the Rector underlined the importance of the 75th anniversary of the university.

“Our university is a prestigious institution that has been training dancers, choreographers and dance teachers to a very high level for 75 years. Many of our graduates have been and still are among the elite of the dance world, not only in Hungary but also in the rest of the world. I would like the citizens of our university to be proud to study and work here, and for those who are just starting their studies to wear the university badge they will soon receive with pride”, said Márta-Fodor Molnár.

Once the new students and invited guests were welcomed, current students gave a high-quality artistic performance.

In line with the university’s tradition, artists who graduated 40, 50 and 60 years ago were also invited. They are inspiring people whose work the university is really proud of. They were also welcomed by the Rector.

Then young people took the stage, and there were touching moments when the new students were greeted by the leading teachers and professors of the Hungarian Dance University.

The opening ceremony of the academic year was of course also the occasion for the first-year students to take their oath. Virág Szabó, a student of the theatre dance department, read out the text of the oath.

At the end of the ceremony, masters, staff and students of the Hungarian Dance University were awarded for their outstanding professional performance.


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