Although the 2022-2023 academic year is over at the Hungarian Dance University (HDU), life has not stopped. África Hernández Castillo, ballet master visited our university.
África Hernández Castillo held classes for the participants of the European Dance Competition Brno 2023 and for the non-graduates of the exam concert.
The master, who graduated with honours in classical ballet at HDU under the supervision of Éva Éhn, has danced in Zaragoza, Copenhagen and Hannover, and has been a ballet master of renowned companies worldwide. She has worked for the Compañía Nacional de Danza (CND) in Madrid, the Ballet Nacional de Perú, the Ballet Municipal de Lima and the Augsburg Ballet.

África Hernández, Margit Reich and Nóra Szőnyi
África Hernández Castillo keeps returning to HDU where she was trained by Nóra Szőnyi and Margit Reich among others, while in Spain she became the Professor of University Miguel Hernández. She later returned to teach at the Conservatoire of Valencia and published a number of methodological books all based on the Vaganova method that she learned at HDU.
She did not only speak highly of her former Hungarian masters, but also of the present ballet students and pupils, as she visited the rehearsals of the graduating ballet students during her stay.