The ballet gala called “Colline in movimento – Hills in motion” was held among the hills and vineyards of the picturesque Monferrato, Italy with the participation of two students of the Hungarian Dance University.
It featured soloists from The Royal Ballet of London, Béjart Ballet Lausanne and Robert North’s ensemble and the Hungarian Dance University (HDU). HDU’s ninth-year students Ezgi Toydemir and Patrik Knausz’s presence at the event can be attributed to Rossella Capriolo, professor honoris cause of the Hungarian Dance University.
Building on the success of the Monferrato Prize, founded and awarded in 2023, Patrizia Campassi, artistic director of Monferrato DanzArte, organised the first Colline in movimento with the participation of Scala’s top artists Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko.
The elegant, precisely constructed and well-paced performance, choreographed with the technical and interpretative skills of the performers, proved to be a great success. Participants were convinced that the Gala was a real spectacle.
Among the university’s performers, Ezgi Toydemir danced his already highly acclaimed solo, Death of Níkia from Bajadér, while Patrik Knausz danced Tamás Topolánszky’s Easy, originally danced by Vince Topolánszky at the last Nureyev Ballet Competition and taught to Patrik at the Budapest Ballet Grand Prix.
Photo by Anastasia Illina