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Rules, policies, regulations


Rules of practical classes

1. Students must be in the studio by the beginning of classes. 0 and 1st grade students may not enter the studios before class, without the ballet master.

2. If a Student gets injured or feels sick, he/she should inform the ballet master about it before class. If one gets injured during the class, he/she should report this to the master immediately. If a Student is unable to come to school for any reason, he/she must report it to the international coordinator by telephone by 9 am on the respective day.

3. Students may leave the studios during classes only with the permission of the ballet master.

4. Lockers should be kept under lock and key during practice classes, also, keys should be kept in the studio. The order and cleanliness of the dressing rooms and the shower are supervised continuously by the pedagogical assistants, as well as a locker check-up is held once every month by the pedagogical assistant and the ballet master. New students must pay for the expenses of locker keys (500 HUF).

5. Dress code:
Students wear uniformed leotards (ballet tights) and ballet outfits in practice classes (boys: white T-shirt, black trousers, white socks/anklet; girls: white leotard/ballet tights, white socks/stockings). Students must ensure outfits and cleaning soaps for themselves.
The student’s hairstyle must be formed so that the lines of the forehead and neck can be seen.
No jewels are allowed in practice classes because of safety reasons. Also, the use of makeup and coloured nail polish are not allowed in the institution.
It is strictly forbidden to enter the studios in outdoor shoes!
Students must wear a white blouse/shirt and dark skirt/trousers at the ceremonies of the University.

Rules of professional theatre practice

1. Students must complete his/her stage practice at the theater designated by the curriculum. The professional order of practical classes is valid for all stage rehearsals and performances.

2. Weekly theater rehearsal notices are displayed every Friday. As alterations may happen, students must follow the rehearsal notice board day by day and appear punctually at rehearsals and performances.

3. Students may not stay in the auditorium before and after performances, only in the dressing room. For performances, one must be prepared with the help of the tire-woman and the hairdresser as well as must be warmed up by him/herself. When a student is called by the stage-manager, he/she must go to stage and wait at the place the ballet master assigns.

4. Reporting illness:
A student’s illness is reported to the theater officially by the University. Reports are accepted by the Ballet Office of the theater until 9:30 am on the first day of illness, this is why Students must report illness to the international coordinator by 9 am on the respective day.

Rules of concert and competition rehearsals

1. The weekly schedule of concert and competition rehearsals are displayed from Mondays to Mondays. On rehearsals, one must appear punctually. Reasonable excuses for not appearing must be reported to the ballet master immediately.

2. For primary and secondary school students the concert and competition rehearsals last until 1 pm. Rehearsals in the evening usually have a duration of 1,5 hours.

3. Performers of midterm concerts will be notified about the date and time of performances one week in advance by the directorate of the University (except in case of special occasions).

Public appearances

Students may only appear in public (eg. TV, film, advert, theater, photo) only if permission is granted by the general director. Until the end of studies in the 9th grade the University is entitled to make the contract about financial and objective conditions of the students’ public performances at all times.

Insurance and medical treatment

1. All students must pay attention to his/her and other students’ state of health. Because of the increased health risk of the nature of the technical education at the University, all students are obliged to take out insurance. A copy of the insurance must be submitted to the international coordinator upon arrival.

2. Medical examinations of the University students are held by Országos Testnevelés- és Sportegészségügyi Intézet (Sportsclinic). Students attend these examinations in groups, coordinated by the Department of Education of the University.

3. Students may use the health facilities of the University: the gym and the osteopath of the house.

Smoking and alcoholic drinks

It is strictly forbidden for students to smoke or consume alcoholic drinks on campus grounds, in its proximate surroundings or at any of the University events.


Schedule of academic year and education

(1) An academic year consists of two semesters.
Semesters consist of a 15-week-long study period and a minimum 4-week-long exam period in each major.
The length of the study as well as the exam period may alter by a week on the proposal of the directors of the institute.
For Students of different majors, the length of the study period may alter.

(2) The exact date of winter and spring holidays is determined by the Rector considering the proposal of the directors of the institute. State and church holidays respectively bank holidays are days off. In addition, the Rector of the institute can allow a maximum of 5 days off. If necessary, further holidays may be assigned on the consent of the Senate.

(3) In a partial training program (evening of correspondence) a part of the classes are held on Saturdays, which are rest days.

(4) The registration period involves the first two weeks of the given semester.

(5) The final exam period lasts from 1 June until 15 July respectively from 1 September until 15 October every year.

Other dates for the final examination can be appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the head of departments and the directors of the institute.

(6) A class at HDU takes 45, 50, or 55 minutes, depending on the subject, on the decision of the directors of the institute. At least a 10-minute break should be held between the classes, except for blocked classes.

(7) For dancers the education of professional practical subjects is not suspended even for the exam period.

(8) Classes in certain subjects are held on Saturdays (on the weekly rest days) for dancers, except for free Saturdays appointed by the Rector or the director of the institute.

(9) Professional practical classes can be held uninterrupted on the decision of the directors of the institute and head of departments

(10) A part of the summer holiday (maximum 5 weeks) can be spent on professional practice (course, practice) considering the education. Credits may be imputed.


(1) Student status is realized by registration. One can register personally, in exceptional cases through authorization.

(2) Once registered, Students shall register in the given period of each semester (registration).
At the time of the registration, the Student should notify the University whether he intends to pursue active or passive studies in the respective semester. Notification on a passive semester can be submitted only in written form.

(3) A Student applying for the in-school deferment of the studies has to register and start/continue his studies in active form after two suspended semesters, except the Student can start/continue his studies in the respective subject only by further deferment of studies in conformity with the education system of HDU. In this case, deferment is valid till the following launch of the subject or specialization.

Enrolment of subjects

(1) At the beginning of every study period the HDU shall make the schedule of the respective semester public in written form or/and on its website containing the basic requirements of subjects and the criteria for the enrolment of subjects.

(2) In the registration period Students receive the study booklet (=index) from the study executive officer.
Students paying tuition fees can receive their study booklet only upon paying off the first instalment of the fee. To certify the payment Students should bring the certificate of payment (original cheque or a certificate of bank transfer) and a copy of it to the registration to be forwarded to the finance department by the study executive officer.

(3) Subjects to be completed in the respective semester are enrolled through the system with the help of the study executive officer on the Student’s request. The list of enrolled subjects is printed out after registration and attached to the study booklet of the Student.

(4) The so-called compulsory subjects (mainly the professional main subjects) are to be enrolled. In special cases (for example pregnancy, illness) Students can apply for deferment of studies by submitting a petition to the director of the institution.

(5) Enrolment can be modified during the registration period (for example, the cancellation of a subject). Upon modification, the schedule is regarded as final, including free-choice subjects.

(6) Units taught outside the curriculum are exceptional and can be enrolled until the end of the following study period.

(7) Upon enrolment until the end of the registration period Students shall give back their study booklet to the study executive officer
In exceptional cases, Students submitting a petition to the director of the institution may get a 15-day-long delay to give back their Student book
Student booklets given back after the deadline shall be taken over by the study executive officer only for payment of delay stipulated in the regulation of Student allowance.

(8) Repeated enrolment occurs if the Student can not complete an enrolled subject.
In case of subjects ending in practice mark repeated enrolment is allowed twice, in the case of subjects ending in examination it is allowed once by the education system of HDU, except for main professional subjects in dancer and choreographer training program where repeated enrolment is not allowed (qualifying exam).

Subject requirements

(1) Subject requirements are specified in subject programs that are included in the training program accessible on the web page of the institution.
Training requirements containing subject requirements are approved by the Senate.

(2) Upon registration the Student shall get a copy of the program scheme and the Student Allowance.

(3) At the beginning of the semester all teachers shall inform the Students about the requirements of the respective subjects, the criteria for the signature of the subject (or practice mark), the requirements connecting the exam of the respective subjects and the specialized literature to be used for preparation.

(4) The Student is responsible for the study drawbacks of absence and making up for the missed classes.

(5) Arrears due to the absence of teachers are made up by replacement, changing or moving of classes, organizing extra classes by the directors of the institute.

Student participation in classes

(1) The participation of Students in classes and practice – depending on the requirements of the subject – is compulsory, or rather recommended. Participation is controlled by teachers (in the case of dancers the pedagogues) and study executive officers shall be notified about absence.

(2) Student status may terminate due to absence:

a) in case the absence (whether reasonable or not) of the Student exceeds 33 percentage of the professional main classes of the respective semester.

b) in case the absence (whether reasonable or not) of the Student exceeds 33 percentage of the compulsory professional classes of the respective semester.

c) in case the number of uncertified classes exceeds the total number of weekly classes in full-time training.

(3) In case the absence of the Student is at least 33% in a given subject, the teacher is entitled to refuse to sign the study booklet obliging the Student to re-enroll the subject, except for professional main subjects that can not be re-enrolled, consequently the exceeding of the absence limit may result in the termination of the Student status.

(4) In case the Student exceeds the absence limit specified in (2) due to illness, childbirth or for any acceptable reason, a request of equity can be submitted to the director of the institute who may permit the replacement until the appointed deadline upon agreement with the head of departments and the teacher of the respective subject.

(5) The absence is considered uncertified in case the Student appears at compulsory practical class, not in the clothes prescribed by the teacher.

(6) The Student shall certify his absence in compulsory subjects to the teacher of the subject – if necessary, with the involvement of the study executive officer- at the very first class or on the 7th school day following his absence at the latest.

(7) In the dancer training program in the event of absence exceeding two days due to some illness only a medical certificate can be accepted indicating the first day of the illness or injury, the day of recovery and the medical derogation of visiting classes. Absence from Saturday classes can be certified only with a medical certificate.

(8) In the dancer training program if the teacher refuses to accept the certification of absence

a) a ballet master warning shall be given in written form for the first time

b) a ballet master reprimand shall be given in written form for the second time and the head of the department shall be informed

c) a senior warning shall be initiated for the third time and the director of the art institute shall be informed.

d) disciplinary proceedings shall be initiated for the fourth time and the Rector shall be informed.

(9) If the absence exceeds three days following, the master can initiate

a) proceedings specified in 8/c for the first time

b) proceedings specified in 8/d for the second time

Preferenctial schedule

(1) Students can apply for a preferential schedule from the beginning of the second academic year. Application forms should be sent to the Education Board every semester.

(2) Students obtaining a preferential schedule are derogated fully or partly from visiting classes. Exams can be taken outside the exam period, and marks during the term can be obtained upon agreement with teachers till the end of the exam period at the latest.

(3) Application for the preferential schedule shall be submitted to the director of the institute with the involvement of the study executive officer referring to the reason for the application and the expected period of the preferential schedule.

(4) Preferential schedules can be applied for by subjects. In this case, the approving document of the teacher of the given subject should be attached.

(5) Applications are considered by the director of the institute, the heads of department and teachers involved within 15 calendar days.
Upon notifying the Student of the decision, he shall be informed about the duties (deadlines, etc.) regarding the preferential schedule.
The decision of the board mentioned above shall be recorded in the Student booklet and the register by the study executive officer.

(6) Application for the preferential schedule should not be submitted in case a special situation arises on the proposal of the professional board (e.g. changing of subject or specialization, grade jump)

(7) A preferential schedule can be withdrawn in case the achievement of the Student declines or in two semesters following less than 20 credits are obtained (except when no further credits are needed for the completion of studies).

(8) Preferential schedules do not derogate the Student from fulfilling the duty of studies.

Practice marks

(1) Simultaneously with the signature at the end of the semester practice marks are recorded in the study booklet reflecting the Student’s achievement in an evaluation of 3 or 5 grades.

(2) In case the Student fails to complete the subject requirements by the end of the study period, the teacher may permit him to make up for the arrears until the end of the third week of the exam period at the latest.

(3) Insufficient practice marks can be corrected only once during the respective exam period the criteria of which are determined by the teacher. In the event of failure, the Student shall complete the subject again.

Exam period, times of exams, the alterations of exams

(1) The exam period usually runs from 20 December until 31 January, respectively from 15 May to 30 June.

(2) The exam period can be prolonged by the Rector should the Student be prevented from preparation through no fault of his own.

(3) Exams-with the exception of pre-exams, permitted cases, such as preferential schedule, exams moved to another time on request be taken only within the exam period on obtaining the signature of the respective subject and showing the study booklet.

(4) Based on the Student’s achievement during the study period the following marks can be offered by the teacher: pre-eminent, excellent (5), good (4). The Student is not liable for accepting the offered evaluation, but if the weaker one is received at the exam it should be recorded in the study booklet.
The offered and accepted marks are recorded in the study booklet and on the exam sheet as well.

(5) Exams depending on the subject can be practical ones; taken in oral or written form, respectively in groups or individually.

(6) About the date of the exam, Students should be informed

a) in the case of professional main exams minimum of 2 weeks

b) in case of other exams minimum of 3 weeks

before the exam period.

(7) No need to apply for professional main exams. The time of the exam- according to the character of the training- can not be altered.
If the Student fails to appear at the exam, a semester in the relevant subject is considered invalid and studies can be continued only by positive consideration of a request of equity submitted to the Rector.
(Equity can not be rejected in the event of absence due to illness or other reason through no fault of the Student’s own.) In this case, the opportunity should be provided for the Student to take the exam until the beginning of the next exam period.

(8) If the time of an exam is appointed for a group of Students (grade, specialization), no need to apply for it individually.

a) In the event of practical exams taken in the group the time of the exam can not be altered. If the Student fails to appear at the exam, a semester in the relevant subject is considered invalid. Application for making up for the subject should be submitted to the head of the department.

b) In the case of theoretical exams the date of the exam may be altered 48 hours before the exam at the latest.

(9) If Students have the opportunity to choose the date of the exam; it shall be applied for two weeks before the given date.

(10) An exam can be altered or cancelled only once in an exam period except for the exams specified in points (7) and (8).

(11) An extra fee is to be paid in case the exam is cancelled (altered) in 48 hours or in case of absence.

The process of the exam, correction of failure

(1) In Major Dancer the professional main exam is held in the presence of an examination board of a minimum of 5 members, while theoretical exams are in the presence of an examination board of a minimum of 3.

(2) At oral exams some preparation time should be provided.

(3) Students shall be informed about the result of the exam

a) in case of a practical exam within 72 hours after the exam
b) in case of a written exam one week after the exam
c) in case of an oral exam on the very day of the exam.

(4) In case of failure a corrective exam shall be taken. If the exam consists of different parts only the failed one shall be repeated.

(5) In case the corrective exam results in failure a repeated corrective exam may be taken.

(6) If the repeated corrective exam results in failure, the respective subject shall be repeated.

(7) There should be at least five days between the day of the exam and the day of the corrective exam respectively the day of the corrective exam and the day of the repeated corrective exam.

(8) Should the Student not take an exam through no fault of his own during the exam period, it can be taken in the first two weeks of the next study period. Application should be submitted to the director of the institute.

Comprehensive exam

(1) Criteria for the comprehensive exams stipulated in the curriculum are to complete all the semesters in the subjects constituting the complex curriculum for the relevant comprehensive exam.

(2) The comprehensive exam can be a practical or an oral one or the combination of the two.

(4) Comprehensive exam shall be taken in the presence of an examination board. The examination board consists of at least 3 examiners among whom one shall be a college associate professor or a college teacher.

(6) In case of failure a corrective comprehensive exam should be taken. Should the corrective exam result in failure a repeated corrective exam shall be taken.

(7) Should the Student fail to take the comprehensive exam in the exam period through no fault of his own, a request shall be submitted to the director of the institution for making up for the exam during the study period, except for the mid-term mark constituting the basis for the respective subject is insufficient

Professional practice

(1) Participation in professional practice is mandatory. Absence can be made up for exclusively by practice implemented according to the syllabus determined by the competent department.

(2) The professional practice of Dancers is controlled by the director of the Art Institution with the involvement of the head of the department.

Correction of marks (=modifying exam)

(1) If the Student intends to correct the mid-term mark or the mark obtained at the exam modifying-exam can be taken in a maximum of two subjects during the exam period per semester. The results of a comprehensive exam shall not be modified.

(2) The result of the modifying exam is valid even if it is worse than the former one.

(3) The result (at least sufficient) of the modifying as well as that of the repeated modifying exam shall not be corrected.

Calculating the average result of marks obtained

(1) Upon completion of the semester the study booklet should be closed without reference to the fulfillment of duties.

(2) Upon completion of the semester the average result of marks shall be calculated at a moment’s notice and recorded in the study booklet along with the number of credits.

(3) Marks received in other subjects or results of studies pursued at higher institutions abroad are to be considered while calculating the average result of marks.

(4) The achievement of the student is evaluated by the average result of studies weighted with credits by the HDU considering quality and quantity aspects.

(5) Weighted average result of studies may be:

      • Pre-eminent if the average result of studies is 5,00
      • excellent if the average result of studies is 4,51-4,99
      • good if the average result of studies is 3,51-4,50
      • satisfactory if the average result of studies is 2,51-3,50
      • sufficient if the average result of studies is less than 2,51
      • insufficient in case of an uncorrected failure when there is no further opportunity to correct it.

Consideration of credits

(1) The Student can apply for the consideration of credits until the end of the third week of the study period at the latest completed in other subjects of HDU or at a higher institution other than HDU as well as the consideration of subjects intended to complete as a guest Student at a higher institution other than HDA

(2) Consideration is decided and controlled by the Committee of Credit Consideration.

(3) On the applicable rule of 1993 on Higher Education any degree issued by the HDA is considered as an equivalent of those attained in bachelor training governed by the rule of CXXXIX of 2005.
A bachelor’s degree is considered with 180 credits in the two-cycle training program, irrespective of the fact that the diploma was obtained through a credit system or the former one

(4) To attain a degree of HDU supplementary subjects completed at other higher institutions shall not exceed one-third of the whole credit number, the remaining two-thirds shall be completed at HDU.

(5) Life Competence may also be considered as a complimentary subject by the Committee of Credit Board.

Finishing higher education studies

(1) In each cycle higher education training is a graduate education.

(2) The final exam should be taken on obtaining the leaving certificate (completion of studies)
A leaving certificate is issued if the Student fulfils all the study and practice requirements stipulated in the curriculum, except for the obtaining of a language examination certificate and the preparation of an extended essay.

(3) The leaving certificate does not attest to any qualification.

Extendes essay

(1) Students participating in higher education training shall prepare an extended essay.

(2) Preparing an extended essay involves writing up a theme individually using national and international specialized literature connected with the Student’s studies proving that the Student is able to put the acquired skills into practice.

Final exam

(1) In conformity with the character of the training at HDU, the final exam may consist of several parts.
Parts of the final exam:
In the BA training program, major dancers specializing in classical ballet: Qualifying exams, open stage exam, extended essay, protection of extended essay

(2) The criteria for the final exam (in the event of exams consisting of several parts the protection of the extended essay)

      • attaining of final certificate a minimum of 2 weeks before the final exam
      • submission and approval of extended essay by the consultant before the deadline
      • fulfilling payment duties to the institution

(3) Final exams shall be applied for. The deadline is 31 March for the exam period of June-July as well as 30 June for the exam period of September-October.

(4) Postponement of the final exam shall be reported in written form a maximum of 15 days before the time of the final exam or else an extra fee is to be paid.

(5) In case of failure the Student shall re-take only the part of the final exam he fails. Failure may be corrected only once.

(6) A final exam may be taken upon attaining the leaving certificate in the study period within the frameworks of student status; and upon termination of the student status in any study period in conformity with the study requirements.

The diploma

(1) A diploma is a public document supplied with the coat-of-arms of the Hungarian Republic.

(2) Graduation of the diploma involves:

      • marks for comprehensive exams are considered as single
      • marks for protection of extended essay considered as single
      • marks for final exams are considered single
      • marks for open-stage exam are considered double

averaging (and rounding up to 2 decimals) the grades stated above.


Graduation of the diploma may be:

      • Pre-eminent 4,81 – 5,00
      • Excellent 4,51 – 4,80
      • Good 3,51 – 4,50
      • Average 2,51 – 3,50
      • Sufficient 2,00 – 2,50

(3)  The diploma is obtained on fulfilment all payment duties to HDU.

Change of subjects, specialization as well as acceptance from other institution

(1) Change of subjects or specialization can occur on the proposal of the Student or the Exam Committee of Major.

(2) In case the Student fails the aptitude test or fails to make up for the arrears by the deadline, his studies shall not be pursued at HDU.

(3) Request on acceptance can be submitted to the head of the Study Committee until 30 May of the respective semester. Upon submission of request of acceptance aptitude exam should be taken.

Re-acceptance upon termination of student status

(1) In case the student status is terminated unilaterally by HDU, a request on equity can be submitted to the Rector within 30 days of termination of the student status.

(2) In case the student’s status is terminated for another reason, for the re-acceptance of the Student new admission process shall be started.