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HDU students participated in the event organised on Táncház Day

By 2024.05.09.No Comments

The Hungarian Táncház (“Folk Dance House”) Day was organised by the House of Traditions last Saturday, and students and teachers of the Folk Dance Department of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) were also invited to celebrate the event.

On the 52nd anniversary of the first folk dance festival, several programs in Hungary and worldwide were awaiting those who have already been captivated by the exciting world of folk music and folk dance, and those who are just getting started. As folk dance is a very important and successful part of the curriculum of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU), it was a great pleasure that the Folk Dance Department was able to join the program series of the Táncház (“Folk Dance House”) Day.

The central event took place at the same location as last year, in front of Music Academy at Liszt Ferenc Square, where dance and singing lessons accompanied by live music, a book sale and craft activities awaited the visitors throughout the afternoon. But there was also a flashmob on Deák Square, a charity Moldavian dance and a Satu Mare dance lesson in Satu Mare, which was a great success.

The Folk Dance Department was successful as ever. Béla Ónodi DLA, Head of the Folk Dance Department, was present at several events and was happy to convey the appreciation of the House of Traditions.

“I think it’s very important that we have a closer and continuous link with the amateur folk dance movement, because it provides the supply for our training. I think that HDU’s participation in the Dance House gathering and the current commitment will contribute to this, which is important for the university,” said Béla Ónodi.