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Katarina Bužić decided to stay in Hungary

By 2024.06.21.No Comments

The Croatian Katarina Bužić, who is a graduating student specialising in Classical Ballet at the Hungarian Dance University (HDU), received contract from the Győr Ballet Company, and she will not return to her home country.

Katarina Bužić, who has been studying in Hungary for nine years, made an excellent performance at the preview of the class’s exam concert at the National Dance Theatre on 11 June. Katarina played the main role in the “Whirl”, and she was praised by master József Medvecz.

Photos by Pál Csillag

I’m so glad József Medvecz thinks so. Does he really say that? Fantastic! I work hard, we work hard to make sure everything goes well. It’s a great choreography, a very nice opportunity that I want to take advantage of”, she said.

Speaking about her role in the “Whirl”, she said the following.

“The fact that the “Whirl” will be my last performance and our last piece together in the exam concert, and in general, is very moving. I am deeply emotional about this choreography. The movements, my partner, Ábel Ónódy, whom I adore, and the music are enchanting. We are a very good team, we love each other, but it’s over now. I feel like I have to give everything I have to this role.”

Katerina is still proud to say that she is Croatian. She would like to go back to Croatia one day. Now she has a great opportunity, because it’s uplifting to be a member of the Győr Ballet Company, but her heart and her family are pulling her home.

When Katerina returned from her rehearsal dance in Győr in December, she was planning to be with her family soon. But after the qualifying exam, she was offered a contract, which was both a joy and an opportunity.

Katarina came to the Hungarian Dance University nine years ago at the invitation of Master Melinda Szitt, whom she met at a course in the Croatian capital. She worked with the master for four years, which she recalls with great gratitude and emotion. However, she also had hard times during the university years, which Katarina speaks about honestly.

“Mentally it was very difficult sometimes, I can’t deny it. I am sensitive, human relationships are important to me and there were days when I lost a little bit of faith. However, that’s not what I have to think about now because I’m very grateful to have been given this opportunity. I can leave the university in a good mood and I am looking forward to work in Győr where I want to prove my talent. However, I would not mind dancing at the Zagreb Ballet Company later.”


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