The qualifying exam for students specialising in modern dance at the Dance Training Institute took place on Monday, 27 May. The classical ballet exam was held in the ballet room, while modern and contemporary dance exams, which were the main subjects, were held in the Nagy Zoltán Theatre Hall.
The programme, developed by Attila Kalmár, Gyula Harangozó Prize-winning Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Modern Dance and Theatrical Dance at the Hungarian Dance University and ballet master as well as Head of the Year Tamás Csizmadia, was well received by the renowned professionals.
The examination committee, consisting of well-known Hungarian and foreign experts, praised the students’ knowledge and performing skills. Members of the exam committee emphasised that the whole group was quite coherent.
Through group choreography, solos and duets, all the students were able to showcase their talents, which clearly raised the standard of the show.
Chair of the jury, Yaniv Abraham, internationally renowned dance artist, choreographer and former member of the Batsheva Dance Company, commented on the exam.
“We thank the Hungarian Dance University for the experience and congratulate all the students. I had the honour to be the chair of the jury for the final exam in 2024. It was wonderful to see the masters and students working together so well. We were able to gain insight into the journey that talented young dancers take. I was impressed by the high level of quality that I saw in the exam. The way ballet, modern and contemporary dance as well as the improvisation and repertoire work were carried out was subtle and unique. I wish all students a successful continuation of their studies,” said Yaniv Abraham.
Students specialising in modern dance at the Dance Training Institute:
Csaba Babácsi Ruszlán, Léna Bondor, Málna Bondor, Hanna Dorsich, Míra Éles, Gréta Gellért, Zsuzsanna Imely Dorka, Sára Kathona Zorka, Bence Kiricza, Árnika Krasznai, Panna Kótai Rozi, Klára Lászlóffy Emőke, Hanna Mészáros, Bora Mohácsi, Zoltán Levente Nagy, Ábel Ónódy and Csenge Szabó.
Masters supervising the preparation:
Tamás Csizmadia, Kitti Hajszán, Attila Kalmár, Noémi Kulcsár, Katalin Lőrinc, Máté Mészáros and Tamás Topolánszky.