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Successful preview of classical ballet exam concert given at the National Dance Theatre

By 2024.06.19.No Comments

The graduating students of the bachelor program of the Classical Ballet at the Hungarian Dance University, and the students who assisted them in their exams, held the preview of their exam concert at the National Dance Theatre on the evening of 11 June. The show and the performance were of a very high standard.

During the evening, students presented the results of nine years of hard work and struggle, guided and facilitated by the university’s outstanding faculty. The performance was particularly good to see, considering the fact that all the graduating students have already been offered career options and job opportunities by great companies.

As masters Mónika Barna and József Medvecz had said earlier, the programme of the exam concert reflects the talent and diversity of the students and the exemplary cohesiveness of the class. The graduating students have, as they say, been a great bunch of friends over the years. They have formed a real team and now it is almost painful to see it all ending.

The university hosted the first Budapest Ballet Grand Prix international ballet competition in 2023, and two of the winners, the Portuguese Núria Fernandes and José Barbeiro also performed at the evening. The Hungarian Dance University aims to create a tradition, not only to strengthen international relations, but also to enhance international popularity and recognition.

As written earlier, the last performance will be staged at the Opera on 23 June.

Graduating students:

Katarina Bužić, Katalin Csenge Csipán, Janka Dobra, Attila Sámuel Gáspár, Getta-Giuriato Marco Giuseppe, Hataishi Iyo, Kazama Ruka, Kamill Kökény-Hámori, Glória Szabó, Márk Szatmári, Saito Hiraku and Yonei Momona.