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Videos of the folk dance students’ performance at the World Championships are released

By 2024.05.09.No Comments

The students of the Folk Dance Department participated in the K1 World Championships last Saturday with a performance choreographed by Sándor Román. It was a really powerful performance, which was videorecorded before and after the show.

The choreographer of the highly successful performance was Sándor Román, dance artist, choreographer, theatre director, merited artist, perpetual member of the Company of Immortals, who worked brilliantly with the students.

We had a chance to talk to him during the rehearsals at the university’s Nagy Zoltán Jr. Theatre. The interview was organised by Béla Ónodi, DLA, Head of the Folk Dance Department.

Later on, Béla Ónodi sent us a not very good quality, but nevertheless exciting recording of the folk dance students’ performance. As both films have a considerable reach on the university’s Facebook page, we would like to share the latter with those who only visit to find out more about the work of the institution.

Congratulations for the performance, and we are grateful for the experience and the work of the excellent dance artist, choreographer, and merited artist, Sándor Román.