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Well-known dance groups held courses for HDU students

By 2024.05.22.No Comments

Famous foreign dance groups performing at the garian Dace also held courses for the students of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU).

The 4th-year students specialising in contemporary dance at the Dance Artist Department participated in the workshop held by Susanna Leinonen Company from Finland. One of the members of the company, Phet Hanpaä graduated in contemporary dance at the Dance Artist Department in HDU in 2022.

The workshop held by the Italian Nuovo Balletto di Toscana was attended by first-year students specialising in contemporary theatre dance at the Dance Artist Department. They, along with the second-year students of fashion dance from the Dance and Rehearsal Department, also had the opportunity to gain insight into the work of another renowned company, Cuban Acosta Danza.

We appreciate the effort made by the National Dance Theatre and Zoltán Sándor for giving HDU students the opportunity to attend workshops held by companies invited to the Budapest Dance Festival every year.

These opportunities not only contribute to the development of the university’s students, but also provide them with a lifetime experience.