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Workshop for leading companies to be held in Budapest

By 2024.02.13.No Comments

The National Dance Theatre, which has an excellent professional relationship with the Hungarian Dance University, is planning to invite internationally renowned foreign companies to Budapest again this year as part of the Budapest Dance Festival.

Péter Ertl, Director of the National Dance Theatre, has agreed with the companies coming to Hungary that their directors and dancers will hold a workshop or master class, which, due to the strong relationship between the two institutions, will also be open to students of the Hungarian Dance University.

Photo: Nuovo Balletto di Toscana

It line with plans, that the Italian Nuovo Balletto di Toscana will make its debut in the Great Hall on 27 and 28 April 2024, the Cuban Acosta Danza on 4 and 5 May and the Finnish Susanna Leinonen Company on 10 May.

As described in the introduction, the institution has agreed with the companies that their leaders or dancers will hold a workshop or master class during their time in Budapest.

It is a great opportunity for students to participate in these events and meet well-known artists. This is a chance for young people to discover other fresh and contemporary styles, to build professional contacts and draw attention to themselves.

Péter Ertl, Director of the National Dance Theatre

Based on the current negotiations, the workshops will be held in the ifj. Zoltán Nagy Theatre Hall at the Hungarian Dance University and the National Dance Theatre. More details will be available later.

The Rector of the Hungarian Dance University, Márta Fodor-Molnár welcomed the opportunity.

“On behalf of the students of the university, I am very grateful for this opportunity. I am particularly thankful that the National Dance Theatre always keeps our university in mind. This is a great chance for the students to make development.”


Cover photo: Susanna Leinonen Company