Students and teachers of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) have participated in an exciting social media campaign launched by the Hungarian National Dance Theatre. The campaign, which aims to introduce different filed of arts, is called Tánc-műterem.
The posts feature dance-themed paintings by well-known painters putting contemporary dance artist, a student or master in the centre of the picture.
This special technique has been used to take a photo of a painting by Robert Henri, Salvador Dali or even Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
It is an honour to see several students and teachers from the Hungarian Dance University being invited to pose for the adaptation: art teacher Tamás Csizmadia and students Emese Fehér, Lilla Weiszbart, Miléna Zwiep, Gaia Stromajer, Leatícia Trönnberg-Révai and Ajna Demeter. They participated in the current adaptation of Edgar Degas’ famous painting titled The Dance Class in the ballet hall of the National Dance Theatre.
You can see the pictures on the National Dance Theatre’s Instagram page.
Thanks for the invitation.