Former and current dance students and teachers of the Hungarian Dance University performed very well at this year’s National Solo Dance Festival.
The National Solo Dance Festival was first organized in 1974 in Békéscsaba. The event was created with the aim of providing a platform for the finest folk dance performers to showcase their knowledge of authentic folk dance as well as their high-level individual performance skills, thus contributing to the preservation and passing down of Hungarian folk dance heritage. In this year’s 27th festival, the students and teachers of the university performed exceptionally well. The National Solo Dance Festival in Békéscsaba took place from January 17-19 this year. The performances were evaluated by a 5-member professional jury, which awarded titles, the “Golden Bead Dancer” (Aranygyöngyös táncos) title for the women, and the “Golden Spur Dancer” (Aranysarkantyús táncos) title for the men. If someone wins the title three times, they receive the title of “Eternal Golden Bead Dancer” (Örökös Aranygyöngyös) or “Eternal Golden Spur Dancer” (Örökös Aranysarkantyús).
The best female competitor of the competition and the recipient of the Osskó Endréné Award was Alíz Nemcsényi this year. The best male competitor, who received the Vásárhelyi László Award in 2025, was Gábor Szél. The most outstanding young competitor of the event, who won the Junior Award in 2025, was Zoltán Majoros.
The biennial event is a significant occasion for the folk dance movement where professional ensembles and amateur dancers compete in both compulsory and freely chosen dance pieces. In this year’s competition, the former and current dance students and teachers of the Hungarian Dance University performed excellently and won the following awards.
The official results of the 27th National Solo Dance Festival (with the years spent by the dancers as students at the Hungarian Dance University – HDU):
- First Golden Bead Dancer title:
Fruzsina Fanni Tóth (2012-2017) - First Golden Spur Dancer title:
- Bertalan Kothencz
- Second Golden Bead Dancer title:
Zita Szilágyi, teacher (2012-2017) - Second Golden Spur Dancer title:
Donát Patócs (2012-2017) - Eternal Golden Bead Dancer title:
Júlia Paput (2009-2014)
Special Awards:
- Dávid Dudás, assistant professor at HDU – Special Award of the Nógrád Dance Ensemble
- Eszter Honvédő– Special Award of Cicere Jewelry (2015-2020)
- Dóra Hudák – Special Award of László Kocsán (2018-2023)
- Benedek Molnár – Special Award of László Rimóczi (2018-2023)
- Gerely Molnár – Special Award of the Heritage National Children’s and Youth Folk Art Association (from 2021 to the present)
- Nóra Oláh, teacher at HDU – Special Award of the Nógrád Dance Ensemble (2015-2020)
- Donát Patócs – Special Award of Sikentáncz Szilveszter (2012-2017)
- Bence Gábor Takács – Special Award of László Kocsán (2018-2023)
- Fruzsina Fanni Tóth – Special Award of the Jászság Folk Ensemble (2012-2017)