This week, the graduating students of the modern dance class at the Hungarian Dance University visited two Hungarian dance troups. Students had the opportunity to gain new experience at the Kecskemèt City Ballet and the Gradient Kortàrs Ballett Debrecen.
In the rehearsal room of the Kecskemèt City Ballet, led by Dóra Barta, students of the Hungarian Dance University took part in a training session and a short piece under the direction of Nikolett Nagy and Làszló Pavlaszek. Then the graduates spent a day in Debrecen with the Gradient Kortàrs Ballett, which was founded last September.
The young artists took part in a short tour of the theatre, during which they learned about the history and operation of the institution, and they had a look behind the scenes and then had the chance to practice with the troupe. They rehearsed a short combination from a new play by the director of the theatre, Edit Domoszlai, and then in the afternoon they watched a rehearsal of the premiere play.
Through the programme organised by ballet course leader Tamás Csizmadia, the students made further contacts that will help them in their dancing careers.