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HDU students performed well at the National Folk Music Competition

By 2024.03.04.No Comments

On Saturday 24 February, 2024, the Budapest round of the National Folk Music Competition named “Tiszán innen, Dunán túl…” was held at Fazekas Mihály Secondary School. The Nádasi Ferenc Secondary School and College of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) also participated in the event with four groups. HDU students made an excellent performance at the competition.

The students of Nádasi Ferenc Secondary School advanced to the national finals in all categories, with two groups achieving Gold Certification.

Kaláris singing ensemble (folk dance girls, class 11.b)

Priority Gold Certification

Bori Busai
Zsuzsanna Csenge Diósi
Viktória Dorka Forró
Gerda Zsófia Gombos
Dóra Manga Mészáros
Nóra Nemes
Rebeka Ősz
Mária Poór

Figures singing ensemble (folk dance boys, class 11.b)

Gold Certification

Ferenc Kevin Berki
Gábor Farkas
László Regő Farkas
Áron Kristóf
Attila Zoltán Makula
Gergely Molnár
Solt Benjamin Sándor

Kiskatrincák Singing Doubles (8th grade)

Priority Gold Certification

Anna Viola Csiktusnádi-Kiss
Katalin Lilla Medgyesi

Keltikék Singing Ensemble (7th and 8th grade)

Priority Gold Certification

Anna Viola Csiktusnádi-Kiss
Katalin Lilla Medgyesi
Zsuzsa Amira Bajzát
Franciska Erdélyi
Liza Kótai
Zorka Nagy
Anna Urbán
Vencel Vida

Teacher: Éva Násztor

Three of the four performances of the Nádasi Ferenc Secondary School will participate in the national final in May at the Ward Mária Secondary School in Budapest.

Congratulations to all.