Mátyás Egyed, majoring in folk dance at the Dance Artist Department of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU), was awarded the Ágnes Roboz Prize as the best graduating student of the season on the International Dance Day. This is a serious recognition, and the recipient acknowledges it in style.
The talented folk dancer was driven by determination and love of dance during his years at the HDU. In his junior years, he attended folk dance lessons 1-2 times a week. He became impressed with the genre soon, but at that time he was not sure if he wanted to take folk dance more seriously in the future. With the help of his school dance teacher, Ilona Kovács, Mátyás started attending the Bihari János Dance Ensemble, where he spent three and a half years gaining a lot of experience and achieving good results.
Over the years, he has repeatedly expressed his wish to pursue folk dance at a higher level. He finally made up his mind in May 2018, when his mother’s friend called his attention to the possibility of a supplementary admission, and that’s how he found HDU. After he was admitted to HDU, he had to take the eight-year exam, which he passed in the summer of 2018, so in September he could start his studies in folk dance at the Dance Artist Department.

Photo: János Lakatos and Pál Csillag
We interviewed Mátyás Egyed about the award presented on the International Dance Day, his plans and experiences.
“What does this award mean to you?”
“When I received the email which said I got he award, I was very surprised. To be honest, I didn’t expect to be so awarded. For me, it is the fruit of my work and of course a great recognition. I am very happy that my work has been recognised.”
“What is the role of the university in this recognition?”
“It’s quite difficult to put all this into words so sudden, because I haven’t yet realised most of it. What I am aware of is obviously a very high level of knowledge that I have acquired here over the years. We have also been trained in many different situations, which has contributed greatly to our individual development. I would like to highlight the humbling work of my masters, who have guided us on our path so far. I have spent and am actually spending decisive years at the university. I believe that the courses offer a learning opportunity to those who are really serious and sincere in their heart of hearts about choosing folk, ballet, theatre or modern dance as their profession.”
“What are your plans for the future?”
“My aim is to pursue a professional dance career rich in experience and success.”
Congratulations to Mátyás Egyed for the Best Graduate Student of the Season Award.