The programme of the 9th International Dance Conference to be held at the Hungarian Dance University has been finalised.
There is a significant interest in the 9th International Dance Conference to be held at the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) on 3 and 4, November 2023. The title of the event is “Genres, Methods, Masters in Dance”.
There are 10 foreign speakers participating in the event, and visitors will be able to choose from 49 lectures and 3 workshops, which are free of charge to attend. This also applies to the side events, including book launches and the Friday evening dance performance.
The programme of the conference is available both in English and Hungarian at the links below.
9th International Conference on Dance Science – Programme-1
Questions about the 9th International Dance Conference can be sent to the Scientific Secretary of the Dance Research Centre at ledniczky.bea@mte.eu.