The students and masters of the Hungarian Dance University (HDU) have returned from Slovenia, where they performed last week in Portoroz and Muraszombat. The performances were attended with great interest and the master teachers said that the tour was very useful in preparing for the upcoming Exam Concert.
On Thursday and Saturday, the graduating classical ballet students performed excerpts from their important works, Minkus – Petipa’s Don Quixote Suite and J.S. Bach – Attila Kalmár’s Our Path Ahead.
As we have written before, the university’s classical graduate students visit Slovenia every year and the tour is really useful for the Exam Concert and their final year’s professional programme. We would also like to thank the outstanding ballet artist Tomaz Rode for this opportunity to perform. He has been the President of the Association of Slovenian Ballet Artists since 2009 and Artistic Director of the Slovenian Youth Ballet Company since 2014.
Attila Kalmár summed up the experiences after the successful tour.
“I think the students of the Hungarian Dance University did a great job. I am proud of the fact that, in addition to the excellent Don Quixote Suite, in which the 8th-, 7th-, 6th– and 5th-year students of the ballet classes and the graduating students of the theatre dance class also danced brilliantly. The graduating students danced my choreography with excellent technique and as real performers. I really thank them for this experience!”
The coaches and rehearsal leaders were Mónika Barna, József Medvecz and Attila Kalmár.
In addition to the role of Tomaz Rode, master teacher Mónika Barna highlighted the conditions and the interest when she said that the students and the masters had a great time in the neighbouring country.
“I would like to thank the whole team and my colleagues József Medvecz and Attila Kalmár for their excellent work. All the students and pupils did really well. You could see that the more the students danced, the more confident they were on stage, and it was a pleasure to see how the younger students benefited from working with the seniors. They learn a lot from it.”
József Medvecz said that the tour was a great experience, and it was a special pleasure for him that the thorough preparation paid off, as the dancers gave a high-quality performance in both performances.
“It was good that the students were able to try themselves on different stages. Another great advantage of such performances is that students of different ages get the chance to show themselves in roles that suit them. The boundaries between the years are broken down, the older ones help and teach the younger ones, which is very useful for everyone.”
HDU students participating in the event:
Csenge Csipán, Dóra Szepsi, Ezgi Toydemir, Glória Szabó, Iyo Hataishi, Janka Dobra, Fruzsina Merza, Katarina Buzic, Lili Bank, Lili Németh, Liza Szűcs, Mariia Yurchenko, Mirtill Szerencsés, Momona Yonei, Panna Hüvös, Rozina Szabó, Thália Egerházi, Yi Di Zhang, Ágoston Bárány, András Ordasi, Levente Bajusz, Barnabás Lévai, Benedek Sánta, Ferenc Pethő, Hiraku Saito, Gergő Hotorán, Kamill Kökény-Hámori, Konrád Kópiás, Márk Agárdi, Márk Szatmári, Pál Késmárki, Patrik Knausz, Sámuel Gáspár, Sámuel Gribovszki, Ábel Tokai.
Please note that the next preview of the Exam Concert will be held at the National Dance Theatre on 11 June 2024.
The students and masters of the Hungarian Dance University are looking forward to welcoming you.