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For international students audition in 2021 is possible only for classical ballet training.

Applicants under 15:
application deadline: 20 May 2021
auditiion: 10 June 2021 – planned as audition in person
practice classes (optional): 8-9 June 2021

Applicants over 15:
application deadline: 20 April 2021
auditiion: 8 May 2021 – planned as audition in person (if Covid-19 epidemic permits)
practice classes (optional): 6-7 May 2021

In case Covid-19 pandemic would not permit to hold auditions live, a video audition material is to be sent by the given deadline.

See the details here.

The sending of the Application form and the audition fee is necessary also in case of video audition

Application form

Application fee: 40 EUR – to be transmitted to

Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetem (Hungarian Dance University)

Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)

IBAN: HU 88 1003 2000 0149 3263 0000 0000


For more information, please visit:

Preparatory programs
