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English language training is available in the following training programs:

Classical Ballet Preparatory Course (Grade 1-6)

Modern Dance Preparatory Course (Grade 1-2)

BA Dance Artist specialized in Classical Ballet (Grade 7-9)

BA Dance Artist specialized in Modern Dance (Grade 3-5)

BA Ballet methodology

For students wishing to study only 1 or 2 years it is possible to pursue partial studies in the BA trainingcompleting only practical (dance) classes without theoretical classes. Upon completion of such partial studies one will receive a certificate but not a BA degree!

Audition dates

Auditions for children (age 10 to 12) aiming to start their ballet studies at HDA’s preparatory training are ususally held every year in January and in mid-June.
For more experienced students auditions are held annually in May and in August during our International Summer Dance Course. Please contact the international coordinator for more info at:

For further information see